Carter Allen Law, P.L.L.C.

If you legitimize a bad process to achieve a just result; no defense will be available when it is used to achieve an unjust result

Facing the justice system and solving a legal problem without a lawyer can be an intimidating experience. Don't try it alone.


All of us have rights and freedoms that need to be keenly guarded and fiercely protected. I served my country in the past as a proven leader in the United States Marine Corps.  I serve it now by practicing law.  

I was always taught to leave a place better than you found it.  I strive to employ this philosophy to the legal system through my practice of law.  Let the strength, skills and determination I have gained work for you.

Some recent developments in the law which may affect your life.

Most everyone knows that they have a right to an attorney, but do you know exactly when and how that applies? 

Did you know that if you have been acquitted of a crime or had your case dismissed, employers and/or other investigative services may still be able to view information on those charges? 

Let me help you protect yourself and your privacy; check back frequently for updates on other developments that may change the way you live your life.


Do these words sound familiar ...

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

These Rights do not magically insulate us from every possible affront, we have to fight to protect them.  "Presumed innocent until proven guilty" sounds like a reassuring philosophy; however, it requires a zealous, passionate and effective lawyer to make it a reality. 

Let me do the work for you.





Criminal Defense, Domestic Relations and Civil Proceedings

Do you have a problem in any of these areas of the law?  Hampton, Newport News or anywhere on the Virginia Peninsula; email me or call (757) 236 - 5189.

I will fight to protect your interests.

Proven Leadership Fighting for You

I have the benefit of real world experience at my disposal.  Sometimes good people find themselves in a situation that they shouldn't handle by themselves.  I have trained under and work for the best that the Virginia Peninsula has to offer.  I will employ all available resources to ensure that your legal rights are protected.

Fighting to protect your Rights and Freedom